Thursday, November 19, 2009

Abortion- Where does life begin?

In the Declaration Of Independence it states that all men have three inalienable rights. Those rights are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. However many people say that abortion, which is legal in The United States, violates the first right. They say that once this baby is conceived and it becomes a sentient that exists in our universe it is nothing less than murder to abort it. However many people claim that it is not a living human until the moment of its birth because it is still dependent on its mother for its continued existence. According to them it is merely a fetus preparing itself for its existence outside of the whom. But where does life really begin? No one has been able to prove either point right, but many people still have very strong opinions.

In my opinion it is astonishing to think how much human life and potential has just been simply aborted. We could have had a great inventor who came up with a more fuel efficient car, or a doctor who found a cure for cancer. Possibly even something like the president or some great leader. But instead they were never given the opportunity to exist. But this page is not all about me, so tell me where do you think life begins???

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

"That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it"

Do you know what famous document this line is from? This line is from one of the most treasured and symbolic documents not only in our country but in the world. This line is from the second paragraph of The Declaration Of Independence. But what does this line mean? In order to fully understand we must go back to the time that this document was written. The Declaration was published in 1776 by the second continental congress. By writing this form the English colonies declared complete independence and separation from England. In other words they succeeded from the British empire. But why did they? Well, their are many reasonable causes for The Declaration of Independence. One of them was taxes. It wasn't necessarily the taxes themselves that upset the colonies but the fact that they were not being represented in Parliament which in their opinion made these taxes illegal. Another reason for the colonies wanting independence was the ridiculous acts the British imposed on them. One of these acts was the The Boston Port Act which closed the port of Boston until the city paid for the tea they had destroyed in the Boston Tea Party. So, what these men are trying to say is that if the government gets out of control, corrupt, unjust or denies its citizens their rights it is the peoples job and duty to en state a new government. Wouldn't you say that our government is doing all of these things? Why then are we not doing our JOB and DUTY by en stating a new government or completely destroying the one we currently have??? We can even relate some of our current problems back to the colonists. For example, the colonists complained of taxation without representation. Sure we have state representatives but let me ask you, do you really think that your representative is looking out for your and your benefit? Of course he isn't. He just wants to make sure he gets re-elected and get another bonus. And we come back to the same question, why are we not full filling our JOB and DUTY. So, do you think the founding fathers who wrote this document would be im pressed? If you would like to learn more about The Declaration Of Independence go to this website:

Monday, November 16, 2009

Middle Class Is Disapearing

Many economic experts and leaders of this country are seeing that the middle class is disapearing. It seems that as each day passes this class becomes more scarce. Some say that if the economy gets worst and the unemployment rate continues to go up that the middle class will one day be nonexistant. But the question is, how could the largest percentage of people in the united states drop so quickly? Well, their are many reasons. One of the reasons is the outsourcing of jobs to foreign countries. During the last 18 months more jobs have been outsourced over seas than ever in U.S. recorded history. Even proffesionals like engineers,architects and medical proffesionals are struggling to find work. Another reason that the middle class is depleting is because of technological advances. With new technology companies can produce much more of a product with fewer employees. Other things such as the housing market and prices on products such as food, fuel and even basic essentials such as electricity or gas are believed to be causes for the decreasing middle class. Other than causes poverty officials worry that this drastic drop in the middle class could cause people to turn towards gangs, drugs and organized crime for money. This problem wont be solved overnight but it will never be solved if we don't get involved or informed.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Obama visits China

This Saturday President Obama vistited China for the first time. While he is there he will be discussing a variety of world matters with China's Paramount Leader Hu Jinato. Although diplomatic relations are forming between The United States and China the two have different views on basically every front. One of the most pressing matters that will be discussed is the supposed climate change. Both countries are world leaders in fighting global warming and reducing the amount of C02 emitted into the atmosphere;however, China is in a much more critical state than the U.S. In many cities such as Shanghai, Beijing and Hong Kong it is impossible to even see the sky on some days because of the pollution. Another topic to be talked about is North Korea's development of nuculear weapons. Although china has decided to be against the development of the weapons the are not being nearly as aggressive or assertive as the U.S. would like them to be. Also, the two will be discussing the current financial situation between the two countries. China is the holder of the most U.S. debt. This debt is one of the major causes of tension between the two countries. The two leaders will be discussing different methods of payment, long term payments and possibly taking another loan. Many worry that this could cause problems in the future not only financial or economically but possibly military conflicts. China currently has the largest standing army with over 3 million men;however., numbers mean nothing when the other country has nuculear bombs. In comparison, the Chinese military is like a man who is 6 foot 9 inches and weighs 230 pounds and is holding a knife. The United States military is a man who is 5 feet tall and weighs 170 pounds but is holding a gun. If you would like more information on President Obama's trip to china than visit

The Treaty of Copenhagen

This December President Obama will be signing a treaty that will enstate a global communist goverment. This goverment will have control over every citizen, all global trade and basically everything else that you can think of. Also this treaty will make the countries of the west transport wealth and supplies to third world and communist countries because we have supposedly been releasing more C02 into the atmosphere. If this treaty is signed I promise you that it will be the end of our country and our constitution. If you would like to learn more about this treaty than click on the link below to watch a five minute video. Also if you would like to sign a pettition that will be presented to congress go to

Lord Monckton--Copenhagen Climate Agreement Video